Extension Granted to 12th Annual International Pearl Design Competition

New York, NY – Oct. 29, 2021. The Cultured Pearl Association of America (CPAA) has granted an extension for entries to its 12th Annual International Pearl Design Competition (IPDC). The new deadline for contest entries is Friday, Nov. 12, 2021.
The revised timeline is as follows.
2021 Revised IPDC Timeline at a Glance
Friday, Nov. 12, 2021: Entries due.
Monday, Nov. 22, 2021: CPAA announces U.S. finalists, who prepare to ship their pieces to CPAA for professional photography.
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021: Day of live judging in New York City
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021: U.S. and international winners announced. Public reception held—pending citywide Covid-19 restrictions—at the Aaron Faber Gallery.
Click here to read complete instructions and for a list of CPAA Foundation members to buy pearls from. To purchase an entry, click here.
The Cultured Pearl Association of America (CPAA) is a nonprofit founded in 1957. The group comprises the finest manufacturers, wholesalers, dealers, and suppliers of cultured pearls in the United States, and its goals are to improve retail marketability of pearls and cultivate demand among consumers. Through promotion, education, public relations, and unwavering commitment to the category, CPAA aims to inspire an authentic passion for all cultured pearl varieties. For more information about becoming a certified pearl expert, please visit PearlsAsOne.org. To learn more about CPAA, please visit CPAA.org.
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